Dr. Ahmed El Borai

Dr. El Borai has been appointed, since 2004, as a member to the United Nations Committee on Migrant Workers. Dr. El Borai has held various academic and professional posts in the course of his blossoming career, among which one can cite: Visiting Professor, University of Mohammed Ibn Abdallah, Morocco (1977); Visiting Professor, University of Riyadh (1977); Legal Counsellor to the University of Cairo (1983); Visiting Professor, University of Rennes (1985); Cultural Counsellor for Egypt in Paris (1986); Permanent Representative of Egypt to UNESCO (1987); Member of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (1991); Legal Counsellor to the Egyptian Parliament for the Committee on Labor Force (1993); Head of the Labor Relations Centre, University of Cairo (1995); Visiting Professor, University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne (1997); former Minister to the Ministry of Manpower and Immigration (2011); and former Minister to the Ministry of Insurance and Social Affairs (2013).
Dr. El Borai is currently a Law Professor and Head of the Social Legislation Department, Faculty of Law, University of Cairo and Advocate before the Egyptian Court of Cassation and the Conseil d’Etat (since 1983). From 1995, Dr. El Borai sits as member of the Committee of Legal Experts of the Arab Labor Organization (ALO), and, since 1999, as member of the Committee of Experts-Counsellors of the International Labor Organization (ILO). Some of Dr. El Borai’s publications include the following: “The International Legal Framework for Migrant Workers: the United Nations Convention on the Protection of Rights of all Migrant Workers and Members of their Families”, July 2007; “The Regulation of Immigration of Labor between the Arab States according to International and Arab Labor Practices”; and “Legal Framework for the Protection of Immigrant Labor in the Arab States”, research (in English and Arabic) commissioned by the ILO for the First Conference on Immigration of Labor between Arab States.
E-mail: aelborai@el-borai.com